What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) Bracelets

What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) Bracelets

I recently spoke with someone who told me about a problem that they were having with someone. They went on to say that they planned on dealing with this other person in a bit of a harsh way. It didn’t seem like that was a wise choice. Therefore, I asked them ‘what would Jesus do?’ I told them that it looked like I was going to have to buy them a What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) bracelet to help remind them to keep their mind focused on the Lord. Then I got to thinking, how many more of us need the same thing? I know I do. Anyhow, I am advertising a WWJD bracelet for anyone interested. I hope that they will be just as beneficial for you. What Would Jesus Do (WWJD) Bracelets

 WWJD What Would Jesus Do BraceletWhat Would Jesus Do Bracelet Click on the picture to find out more.
WWJD BraceletsWhat Would Jesus Do Glow 2

Look what I found. 5 Piece Inspirational BraceletPrint