God is Good

I have a testimony. Recently I have been under a lot of stress. I was dealing with more problems than any one person would want to deal with at one time. I would like to share one problem in particular. About a week ago, someone shot two bullets through the wall of my home. To be precise, in a room that was being occupied by both my daughter and myself at the time. This was a very troubling and scary experience. Immediately, my husband and I set out to find a new home. However, there was a huge obstacle standing in our way, how we would get enough money to move.
Something amazing happened while I was reading I Samuel Ch. 17. A Philistine named Goliath had been presenting himself to the Israelites for forty days. The description of Goliath gives the impression that Goliath appeared unbeatable. Therefore, for forty days Goliath tormented them. Then David came on the scene, professing whom God was, and what God was going to do, and Goliath was defeated on that day. That something amazing that I mentioned was a revelation that Goliath was just a big problem. A problem so big that it looks unbeatable. The answer to that problem is God. When David professed God, God gave David the ability, the strength, and the courage to defeat this giant problem. I do not recall a mention of any days passing from the time that David professed God, to him defeating Goliath. When God is on the battlefield, we have already won.
Oh yeah, one more amazing thing. As I was reading this, I received a call from a family member that told me to find a home, and they would pay our moving expenses to allow us to move. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for Your Grace, Your Mercy, and Your Love.